An artificial uterus or artificial womb is a device that would allow for extracorporeal pregnancy by growing a foetus outside the body of an organism that would normally carry it. I know this sounds like a far-fetched sci-fi movie, but it is going to be our reality in 10 years from now. Premature birth, before 37 weeks, is globally the biggest cause of death among new-borns, but with this technology premature babies will be given a second chance at life.
This was initially tested on a young sheep, with positive results. The lambs appeared to develop regularly during their four weeks outside their mothers' wombs, exactly as they would have been inside. There would need to be an exterior covering or chamber for an artificial womb. That is where the embryo will be implanted and will be protected while it grows. Until now, uterine tissues taken from an organism and artificially kept alive as well as acrylic tanks and plastic bags have all been employed in animal research. A synthetic substitute for amniotic fluid, the womb's natural shock absorber, would be necessary for an artificial womb. Finally, a mechanism for exchanging nutrients and oxygen would be required (so oxygen and nutrients in and carbon dioxide and waste products out). In other words, scientists would need to create a synthetic placenta.
However the main question wrapping everyone’s brains up is how ethical this is. This may prove to be a boon for Women who are infertile for medical or social reasons may be able to conceive with the help of this emerging reproductive technology. It might also make it possible for women who are transsexual, born without uteruses, or who have lost their uteruses due to cancer, some disease, trauma, or other medical issues to conceive. But others might argue that it is immoral to mess with one of nature’s most beautiful and sacred phenomena. This will either be an immense success or a horror sci-fi movie, there will be no in between.