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  • Adviti Gajbhiye

Deception: How do we identify them?

FBI, R and AW, MI6. All these agencies are well known for their jobs. Spying. But not only that. It’s also catching the bad guys out of the jurisdiction of the police, keeping the country’s secret information safe, and of course, keeping the country safe. But how do these people know when someone is lying? Or anyone for that matter. How will someone be deceiving you, lying to you? It’s not that hard if you know how to do it.

1. Fight or flight: If someone is moving or fidgeting a lot with himself, they are probably

lying to you. Here's an incident, when the FBI caught a woman, who was accused of being the murderer of a man. When they went to investigate in the room, she was continuously moving some of her body parts, like grooming her hair, shaking her legs, and fidgeting with her fingers. This meant that her medulla had released the adrenaline hormone, which increased the energy levels in her body. This hormone I’d also called the fight or flight hormone, where you would either prefer to fight the situation or just flee. After the investigators left, she just went and did a handstand to utilize the excess energy. This meant that she was lying.

2.Change in the tone of the voice: When you lie, you would probably want to prove your point before the person with great impact. But not through hands, but through the voice. While someone is speaking to you, his/her voice won't just suddenly shoot up, or get hoarse. When someone’s pitch shoots up, he/she is trying to prove something to you by lying. He/she might have a lot of impact on a particular word which is important.

3. Attitude: When an accused behaves just the opposite of what he should, he has got something to lie about. In an investigating room, an accused was continuously fidgeting with himself, walking here and there shaking his leg. As soon as the investigator entered, he sat down still, with no movement. Odd right? Well, this very well explains why the guy was lying.

These were only 1% of ways how to catch a person who is lying. The world is filled with different techniques of the same. Also, your experience teaches you. Now catching someone who is lying won’t be hard anymore.


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