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  • Dia Jaiswal

Disability Does Not Mean Inability

Ableism is defined as discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities and/or people who are perceived to be disabled. Ableism labels people who are defined by their disabilities as inferior to the non-disabled. The most simple meaning of a disability is a disadvantage or a handicap.

There are 3 main kinds of ableism:-

  1. Physical ableism: This is induced by a physical inability. A person with a missing arm will have to put in more effort while doing day to day tasks. But physical discrimination can be much less obvious. A study conducted in New York found out that a higher beauty rating can be equated with a greater yearly income. They found out that a person considered average looking made $13,000 less than a person considered attractive. Thus, it might be easier to realise that there is more than missing body parts to a disability.

  2. Mental ableism: The stigma attached to having mental disabilities leads to discrimination and societal pressure. Most disabilities are highly individually based and complex. This means that people may not even be aware that they have one. For example, if you have ADHD you are not able to focus and have a hard time paying attention. This is not your fault. That's just how the pathways of your brain are wired. This is where institutional discrimination comes into play. It refers to a social system that produces and maintains injustice, either intentionally or not.

  3. Cultural ableism: This type is hardest to identify but it is also the most influential on a global level. This comes into form because of the different upbringings and societal levels. If a group of rich men and a competent man with no college-level education go for a job interview, the less educated man will have a harder time fitting in with the group. He might be viewed as incompetent and might not get the job. Basically, he lacks the cultural knowledge to fit into the group. When we interact with a community where we do not have enough knowledge of its culture, we become culturally disabled. There is not much that can be done about this type of ableism because the world is a diverse place with many different cultures.

Ableism is a relatively modern discovery. So it will take us time to incorporate measures against it. After all, the world keeps on progressing. Right now, all we can do is educate ourselves and others.

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