In a distant future, where humanity had scattered across the stars, a young scientist named Lina unearthed an anomaly that defied the laws of physics. She beheld a region of space where time danced in reverse, causing objects and events to retrograde. Excitement and curiosity seized her as she embarked on a journey to untangle the enigmas of this temporal anomaly.
Lina's ship, the Aryabhata, ventured into the backward-time domain gingerly. As they delved deeper, the crew bore witness to mind-boggling spectacles: planets exploding, debris reconstituting into ships, and people regressing in age. Lina's fascination swelled, but so did her trepidations about the potential repercussions of tampering with time.
One day, as the Aryabhata hovered near the anomaly's epicenter, they intercepted a distress signal from a neighboring planet. The signal emanated from a scientist named Dr. Sharma, who had been scrutinizing the anomaly from the planet's surface. He beseeched for aid, unveiling that his experiments had inadvertently triggered the rapid expansion of the anomaly, imperiling the entire galaxy.
Lina resolved to touch down on the planet and rendezvous with Dr. Sharma. They discovered him at his research facility, appearing noticeably younger than his recorded age due to the anomaly's influence. Dr. Sharma expounded that he had endeavored to harness the anomaly's energy for the advancement of society, oblivious to its potential to disrupt the very fabric of time.
With the sands of time slipping away, Lina and her crew collaborated with Dr. Sharma to devise a solution. They realized that by generating a counter-energy, they could stabilize the anomaly and forestall its escalation. However, amassing the necessary resources in reverse-time entailed unparalleled challenges. Tools that were intact had to be shattered, energy sources required depletion, and intricate components demanded assembly in reverse.
Amidst the intricate process, Lina's crew confronted personal tribulations as well. Engineer Sanchit grappled with emotional upheaval as he witnessed memories of his late wife reversing, rekindling grief that he had already surmounted. Navigator Madhav wrestled with recollections of a failed mission, observing her blunders unfolding in reverse. Bound together by their mission, the crew supported one another through the emotional roller coaster.
As they amassed the components, Lina stumbled upon an encoded message within the anomaly's energy patterns. "What might it signify?”, “Who was the sender?”, “What was its literal import?" were but a few of the myriad questions that mingled in her mind at that instant.
The message appeared to contain something that perplexed and intrigued. It was a cr- ?!
To be continued…..