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  • Karan Chopra


I once rebelled, running far from home

Where I found there was vast land anigh

Never had I left native land before

The Explorer's spirit in me rose high

I loved my home, but I must say

Freedom it did lack

So when I made my lucky escape

I did not want to turn back

It was a large empire with Walls surrounding it

Holding Hundreds of homes with deprived citizens

Not one of us was allowed to leave

I always wondered about that decision

I walked two miles and found a small village

Who's extent spread far as a thousand's pigsty

And its base land spread wide and open

For it's citizens to observe the nature by

Horses and carts were parked on it's ears

Who belonged to it's lively men and women

Who could be seen next to a river

Or below trees plucking persimmon

I stood in awe as I observed it all

But soon my anatomy spun

It made way for fear, who took it's spot

At the fall of the sun

I didn't want the king to know I had left home

So I turned before it was dark

I was sad to leave this beautiful village

Before I made my mark

I walked some time and saw no signs of home

So I turned to another village for help

As I was walking toward, I heard a squeal

A familiar, concerned Yelp

I ran toward it's tall, blue walls

It had a rough, bricked skin

I figured it belonged to a neighbouring kingdom

I didn't know what was within

And reaching the entry, I found that mother

Was standing before the gate

Crying as she found I went to roam

Assuming I made the worst of my fate

I asked her, "What are you doing here mother?"

Afraid that we both had made

The same fatal mistake of leaving home

Which would lead to our fade

She looked at me and rose in shock

Her face lit up with a smile of relief

I assumed she escaped to look for me

My face lit up with disbelief

She said "Son, you're home!, Thank Heaven, Thank Sky!

The guard fell asleep before your sin of wander!"

Now come in quick, you will be in big trouble

If anyone finds out that you're an absconder."

I looked around, and my shock found home

My mind met with a hundred squalls

For all these years, I did not know

The look of my own home's outer walls

I stood Astonished, Abject, Aghast

"I'm home.." I said to the listener

Home, where I had never left before

As I lived my life a prisoner

I often look back at that day

And remember the village I visited

And how my fear led me to return

To a place where freedom was prohibited


#freedom #valueoffreedom#village #fear #empire#struggle#home

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