A few years ago when I visited my uncle in Switzerland, I was shocked to see them drinking water straight out of the tap. I must have made a face to show my hesitation in drinking that water to which the entire family started laughing, explaining to me that this is common in developed countries and more so in Switzerland which has the cleanest and safest tap water in the world.
In contrast, the lady who helps us at home with domestic work is clearly worried come summer when even urban households receive water for a couple of hours a day. She exclaims that in the summer months water becomes more precious to her than gold. She laments that there are days they don't get water in their locality at the designated time and how that impacts their household chores.
In many villages women travel long distances to collect water.
76 years of Independence and true we have come a long way but when we think of development should our primary focus just be infrastructure and literacy rate? What about the progress we have made in the basic dimensions of a long and healthy life and an average standard of living?
UNICEF has declared that the safe water supply is an integral part of a healthy economy, but it's under prioritized, not only in India but also globally .
Supporting about 16% of the world population, India has access to only 4% of the world's fresh water. Out of 1.3 billion people in India, it is estimated that about 6% lack access to safe water even today.
The reasons for the water crisis are known to all - overexploitation and misuse. And is it only the role of the government and organisations like World Bank and UNICEF to tackle the problem. Friends let us all be mindful and conscious to not waste water at our level because every drop counts. The 76th Independence day will be a good day to make a resolution to take our own oath to save water and make it available to each and every citizen of our country.