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  • Writer's pictureAdvait Girish

OLD IS GOLD - But education is the exception

A good education is a basic necessity and is very important to move forward in life. That being said, education does a lot of things other than just teaching you academic principles. Education often teaches you the moral principles and values that you can carry for the rest of your life.

First, we must note how much the education system in India has improved in the last couple of decades. Our literacy rates have gone up to over 75% and we have over 3 times more educational institutions. Due to this, opportunities for education have gone up a lot. Around 65% of women and 82% of men in India are educated, which is a massive increase from the less than 30% British rule ended. Over 55% of Indian institutions are also English medium. Since the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (2009) the government provides free education to children. The use of technology has also increased in India with videos, and online quizzes being used to provide an immersive learning experience.

However, there are certain things that can definitely be improved about the Indian education system. Updating the syllabus and showcasing current social

norms that students can relate to would make a big difference. Also teaching certain practical topics that are very important in life like personal finance, budgeting, use of technology et cetera would be useful. Granted these things can be learned outside the classroom, but it would certainly be useful to teach these things early and make sure that they have this knowledge for later life. Our education can also often be overly focused on the sciences and can neglect the humanities and other areas.

That being said, Indian education is moving in the right track and with certain improvements, India’s education system can surely become one of the best in the world.


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