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Ishaan Mahale


One topic which cannot be overlooked in India is politics. India has historically served as a melting pot of political movements and ideologies because of its glorious past and cultural diversity. But there is a lot regarding the nation's politics right now that urgently requires growth.

Corruption is one of the main problems plaguing Indian politics. It is well known that there is widespread corruption in the political system, with officials frequently engaging in bribery, embezzlement, and other illicit actions. This compromises public confidence in the administration and hampers growth. Polarization between religions and communism is another urgent issue. Politicians frequently make use of sentiments related to religion for their an individual's advantage which causes conflict and violence within various populations. This damages India's secular structure in addition to endangering social harmony. Moreover, politicians don't take accountability for their actions.

Once in office, a lot of elected officials disobey their campaign pledges. Citizens become disillusioned as a result, believing that people they entrusted with their ballots have deceived them. It is essential for voters to actively engage in politics and hold elected officials responsible for their actions in order to overcome these problems. Voting needs to be viewed as a responsibility for influencing the course of our country, not just as an obligation. To guarantee transparency in government, there also needs to be a greater enforcement of anti-corruption laws and measures. Political parties should also prioritize advancing inclusivity above taking advantage of divides based on caste or religion.

In a nutshell India's political system requires reform. It needs moral leaders who put the good of the public above their own interests and seek to build an inclusive society in which every person is heard and feels valued. We won't be able to fully realize our wonderful country's potential until then.

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