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Shrey Singh

Satisfaction- The Death of Desire

“Longing for something is better than actually having it, for satisfaction is the death of desire.”

Give a thought to this, and you would be surprised to realize that most of us have experienced this from a young, delicate age. As young children, with our tender hearts overflowing with desire, we’ve always cried for what we wanted until we had it, and as soon as we had it, it seemed as meaningless as ever. May it be a toy you wanted, until you had it and after a week of having it, it lay in your room holding no significant value.

Now, coming to something which the majority of us as a human race truly desire, is simply ‘winning’ or ‘staying on top’. It is something we all, as a whole, truly seek and crave for; the position and the stance of being a winner, the importance and the feeling of being a successful achiever. We all have dreams of accomplishing our goals, however, for some it has only remained a dream, while for a few others, reality. Those, whose dreams of becoming a winner in life have come true, would say that attaining the position of a winner was the most difficult task. However, I would simply disagree with that, for I believe winning is just the beginning. One must never lose the desire of wanting to do better, even after winning. As a winner one must have the passion, to not only maintain that position of a winner, but also to build from there. We must not let our satisfaction of being a winner kill the desire of wanting to do better.

As winners, most of them settle for just simply being called a winner. Most of them neglect building up from there and settle for the least. They let their satisfaction overpower their desires. On the basis of my judgement, the ones who win for the sake of winning are not winners, but the ones who establish the position of a winner, set bigger goals and go on to achieve higher targets are the true winners. A true winner is motivated by the desire to achieve more and not by the desire of attaining satisfaction.

The 'flight' to success

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