The vast universe contains wondrous and captivating masterpieces like nebulae, galaxies and mysterious black holes. Just like the seven wonders of the world, there are seven wonders of our cosmos.
Olympus Mons, Mars: The Olympus Mons is an enormous shield mountain on the surface of the planet Mars. It is the second tallest mountain in the solar system. The growth of shield mountains is due to addition of lava to their flanks and the lateral spreading of their bases. It is an equatorially located dormant volcano.
Rings of Saturn: The Rings of Saturn is the most extensive ring system of the solar system. The rings are made almost entirely of ice and particulate matter. Seven rings are surrounding Saturn. The particles of the rings rapidly orbit Saturn.
Oceans of the Earth: The oceans of the Earth are- Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern oceans. They are exclusive to Earth. Half of all the oxygen we breathe is produced by the seagrasses and phytoplankton present in them. Life has originated from oceans.
Methane lakes, Titan: Titan is Saturn’s largest moon which is covered with methane lakes due to the extremely cold temperature. Scientists believe that the liquid methane which fills the lakes of Titan may have been formed when warm nitrogen exploded beneath the surface of the moon.
Great Red Spot, Jupiter: The Great Red Spot is a storm in Jupiter’s southern hemisphere with crimson clouds that rapidly spin anticlockwise. Jupiter’s atmosphere is made of hot gases which on collision, merge creating huge circling storms which could be the reason for the spot’s formation. Scientists say that the storm could shrink and disappear in the next ten to twenty years.
Asteroid Belt: The Asteroid Belt is a torus-shaped belt situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt is made of rocks that failed to become planets during the formation of the solar system. It also serves as a distinguishing line between the terrestrial planets and the gas giants.
The Sun’s surface: The Photosphere is the visible surface of the Sun. It has a temperature of 5778 kelvin. It is made up of heated gases which are in a continuous exothermic reaction. Sunspots which are dark blotches on the Sun's surface reveal powerful magnetic disturbances, generating solar flares.