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  • Raina Motiani

Social interactions, and what comes along with it

We think that, up till now we have only heard about time travel in books or movies, but in actuality experienced a little of it! In space, there is a crew of the international space station, who is technically traveling through space and time as they are moving faster than the rest of us; in space.

Therefore, on the ISS, astronauts experience time slightly slower than us on earth. This is based on the Special Relativity Theory of Einstein. The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time. Even when you keep a clock in a plane taking a continuous round of the earth and one clock in our house, we see a slight difference.

There are two types of time travel: one is in the past and the other is in the future. Traveling forward in time is easier. Whenever you look at the moon, you are actually looking into the moon's past by about 1.3 seconds, as the light reflected from the moon takes around 1.3 seconds to reach earth.

Furthermore, when we see the north star, which is approximately 323 light-years away, we are looking into its past! This is observing the past, however, actually going to the past or future may be a possibility if the natural phenomenon of space 'wormholes' is used. It is hypothesized that these 'tunnels' connect two different points in the universe, as well as various points in time. Though not seen yet, scientists believe that they are possible.

It could also be physically possible, if an astronaut goes on the first-ever spacecraft that travels at 99.999% of the speed of light. We would time travel in a significant way, and when one would move that way for even one day, and then return to earth, they would be aged by just one day, but on earth, approximately 72,000 days would have passed.

This is theoretically possible when such high-level technology exists, yet we all know that our technology is advancing! Surely, in the coming years, we might invent such machines or other objects that would make time travel not just a big question but a full-proof possibility!

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