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  • Sadhika Patankar

The Dark Side of Disneyland

Disneyland, the ultimate and most beloved theme park that has captured the hearts of millions, is facing a crisis that could potentially dim its sparkle. The park's employees, the people who bring the magic to life, are considering a strike. The fairy tale world of Disney, where dreams come true and happiness reigns supreme, is on the brink of a rebellion.

Why is this happening? The answer lies in the harsh reality of Disney's priorities. The company's pursuit of profits has led to a neglect of its employees. Wages have stagnated, benefits have been cut down, and the attendance policies have become increasingly strict. It's a tale of two worlds - one of wonder and enchantment, the other of exploitation and neglect.

The employees, who have long been the backbone of the park's operations, have been pushed to the breaking point. They are the ones who don the iconic costumes, who bring the characters to life, and who make the magic happen. Yet, they are struggling to make ends meet, working multiple jobs just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. The attendance policies, designed to maximize profits, have become a constant source of stress and anxiety, leaving little room for compassion.

The reason behind the potential strike is a complex issue, rooted in the company's values. Despite its wholesome image, there are accusations against Disney about prioritizing profits over people and neglecting the well-being of its employees in the process.

One of the main grievances of the employees is the stagnant wages. Despite the company's astronomical profits, many employees struggle to make ends meet, with some even resorting to sleeping in their cars or relying on food banks to get by. According to sources, the starting wage for many employees is just $15 an hour, barely enough to cover the soaring costs of living in Anaheim. 

Disney has been cutting benefits and perks, adding to the financial strain on employees. The company has also implemented strict attendance policies, leaving little room for flexibility. Employees are often forced to work long hours, sacrificing time with their families and friends, without adequate compensation or recognition.

The lack of investment in employee development and growth is another concern. Many employees feel stuck in limited jobs, with limited opportunities for advancement or career progression. 

The union representing Disneyland employees has been negotiating with the company for months, pushing for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. However, Disney has refused to budge, leading to the potential strike.

In the midst of this uncertainty, it's essential to remember that the magic of Disneyland is not just a product of fairy tales, but of the hard work and dedication of its employees. Their struggle is a reminder that even in the most enchanted of places, the harsh realities of life cannot be ignored. 

It's time for Disneyland to recognize the value of its employees and treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Only then can the magic of Disneyland truly sparkle once again.

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