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  • Kayaan Shah

The fiery state of france

The people of France have definitely not been silent ever since a seventeen year old male teenager was shot dead by the French Police. There are multiple dangerous protests going on all for the same reason, violation of human rights. The seventeen year old boy who was killed was named Nahel, he was of Algerian origin and was murdered by the police in the French city of Nanterre on June 27. It was reported that Nahel was pulled over while driving a car by two police officers, the officers were standing on the drivers side of the window and one of the officers discharged their gun in spite of there being no real threat by Nahel. The officer then shot at Nahel and reasoned that he did this because he was worried that Nahel might run someone over. This incident is considered a violation of human rights which prompted the protests. This went from zero to hundred really quick as the French have been fighting ever since to address this issue of discrimination by the police.

The people of France have been in the streets, rioting. These rights have been going on for five to six days. They have been rioting by throwing fireworks at the police, broken into shops and stealing valuable products, setting fire to thousands of cars and settlements, among the settlements were schools and town halls.The government of France have retaliated by arresting more than three thousand people throughout the country and over forty thousand officers have been stationed to try and stop the violence by using tear gas, water cannons and non-lethal dispersion grenades against the rioters.The French government have also canceled all large scale events scheduled and established curfews over some cities.

The riots are now easing down, with Paris holding their Fashion Week event since riots have ended there. Although these riots certainly showed that the French government needs to put an end to this discrimination, as not only will it ruin the reputation of the country, but also the state of the country.

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