They say ‘the past never dies.’ The past teaches us some of the most valuable lessons of life. From our previous knowledge and experience, we can improve our present and future decisions. Our former experiences teach us a lot about our strengths and weaknesses. It is often said that we should live in the present, and that is very true but it is equally important to learn from our past experiences, mistakes and improve on our current endeavors. If we ignore the past we are more likely to repeat it and miss out on innumerable lessons. We are not defined by our history, but we should also not disregard it and rather learn from it.
‘History repeats itself.’ This is so true because we often don't think and reflect on the decisions and actions taken in the past and the consequences of the same. If we try to correlate our present situation with the past, we can have a better understanding of the impact of our decisions. For a great country like India which had such rich history, had we learned from the Mogul invasion, we could have realized that by staying united as a country and not getting divided into smaller territories based on trivial matters like caste, race, religion, we could have avoided the British rule that lasted for over 150 years.
A recent example of mankind learning from the past was during the breakout of the Covid-19 crisis. Governments and central banks globally, based on their experience during the 2008 financial crisis, acted quickly and decisively to provide ample liquidity to the markets, thereby avoiding a complete financial meltdown in a ‘once in a century pandemic event.’
While it is important to learn from our past, we should not dwell on it too much. The past cannot be changed and aimlessly pondering over ‘what ifs’ and ‘should haves’ will only ruin our present and hence it is best to accept it and move forward. We should not let the past hold us back, rather we should grow from it.
History can provide useful insights into the future. It's upon an individual to extract the best, learn and grow from it.
“Never be a prisoner of your past, it was a lesson, not a life sentence” - Unknown