I’ve often pondered on the reason why humans exist, why we were put onto this earth. In this vast space and galaxy. I always thought there had to be a reason. There was no way that there couldn’t be one. There had to be a purpose to life. Some justification for why countless people are born, and why millions of people die. Are we all simply just drifting in space, surrounded by comfort to distract us? Or is there an actual purpose to it all?
That was naivety speaking. It was the mind of a young girl who didn’t understand that questions like this are meant to be left unanswered. They are phenomena, like birth and rebirth, that cannot be explained. Nobody could give me an answer to these questions, so I made up my mind. If I couldn’t get a response to my questions, I would make up my own. And that’s when I realized, when poor naïve me understood, that the purpose of life was left unanswered for a very simple reason: For humans to find out why themselves. For us to be the solution to the equation we had made up. It wasn’t like a math problem, where there was only one answer no matter how many ways you looked at it; it was up to personal interpretation. That’s why this thought is so fascinating to me, because in a lifetime, someone’s definition of the meaning of life changes with experience. Probably a young child might not understand the question. A teenager like me might need time to answer the question, and an adult might have an answer that is based on their experience. And that’s what I love about this question, how different people look at it in different ways.
If you were to ask me what I thought of it, young me would probably say ‘I don’t know’ but me now, who’s reached the 10th standard after what feels like an eternity, says that my purpose in life is to be happy. It's to learn what it means to be happy. My purpose in life is to be a good person, to the people around me and to the people whom I don’t even know. To live life as a person who stands by my morals, and doesn’t stop being optimistic even when all hope is lost. I do have a long way to go with my purpose, some might even say I’m not close to this goal of mine, but I guess that’s why life is long. It gives you time to find your purpose, and then gives you even more time to fulfill it. And I hope that I, and everyone reading this, will one day be able to complete their purpose and find the answer to the purpose of their life.